Joyful Annihilation - B-Grade Copies!


NOTE: These are copies that have been damaged in transit. They may have scratched covers or bent or crushed corners. They are, however, still perfectly readable and intact, with no missing or unreadable pages or content. So if you don't mind all that, they are being sold at a discount!

What began as an experiment that morphed into something like art therapy, this book is a collection of vaporwave-inspired digital collages made throughout 2021 by me! Mostly personal and with no explanation, this booklet contains the following pieces (listed in order):

Enlightened Rage C
Enlightened Rage B
Enlightened Rage A
Vengeful Moon
Remnants of Kosm
Fabeled Fallen Queen
Interlocking Imagination
Pool of the Broken Venus
Floral Bathe
Temperament of the Nocturnal
Effervescent on the Greene
Mouth of Hell
Feast Day
City of Waters


The booklet is 20 pages, full color, and saddle-stitched.


NOTE: In order to save us both on shipping costs, this product is sent as a letter. That means it doesn't come with tracking.